Kenmare to Killarney
The hike from Kenmare to Killarney is a long day, but the effort will yield substantial rewards. Before we leave Kenmare it is a must that we stop at Jam Cafe for their excellent sandwiches and muffins. We will follow the Old Kenmare Road through the gap between the Peakeen and Knockanaguish Mountain and across the Ullauns River as we make our way to Esknamucky Glen and onto the Old Killarney Road. There are abandoned famine houses, waterfalls, old forest, and ancient buriel grounds to wonder at. Hiking into the Killarney National Park we cross the boglands on boardwalks and stepping stones and enter the quiet green of the park and pass by the Torc Mountain Waterfall. Joining the world again we pass the occasional tourist out for a day at the Muckross House. We follow the coastline of Castlelough Bay, passed by the horse drawn jaunts carrying families. The sight of Muckross House is stunning in its Victorian splendor after only seeing the famine ruins for days. The ruined Muckross Abbey seems to bring a sense of peace as we enter into the bustling city of Killarney. 20-25 km